Manabi Villas   SMALL JOBS 

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Many owners in MSJ like an exterior shower.
This shower is placed usually on the ground, in the backyard.
Some owners like to have an exterior shower on the roof terrace.

If you did not include it in your house design and the house is already built,
you could add an exterior shower whenever you decide.

This model presented here has opaque lateral walls (glass).
Four ceramic shelves are included which serve as shelves and also they reinforce further the lateral walls.

A stainless steel custom support could accommodate a curtain, for privacy.

The ceramics for the floor and for the wall could be any type, colour, model you choose.
The same for the glass walls.

Use the recommended settings for the video below, in order to understand better the design intent.
You could maximise the video window, stop/start, go back and forth, while playing it.

All the jobs presented could be customized to fit your needs.


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 2017-04-24 - video rev.1 

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